Note: This story was originally published in Dark Horses Magazine #27
When I was a kid, I had the toughest time falling asleep on Christmas Eve. Too much excitement, too much anticipation, you know? But my sister had a trick she probably doesn’t even remember sharing with me. One Christmas Eve she explained that the sooner I went to sleep, the quicker I’d get to open presents. “If you close your eyes,” she told me, “it’ll be morning before you open them again.” It was my first introduction to time travel.
Over time, I’ve learned that I like Christmas Eve far better than Christmas itself. The joy is in the anticipation, the buildup, the wondering; right up until you unwrap the present, it could be anything in the world, but as soon as you open it, no matter how good or great it is, it can only be that one thing.
I wrote Time Only Travels as a way of exploring that concept, or maybe just to remind myself of it.